Let’s find your voice together!
When you are facing gut dysfunction, hormone imbalances, and thyroid issues, it is tempting to try all sorts of fixes: diets, supplements, intermittent fasting. But without objective data, these “one size fits all” approaches rarely work in the long run.
I know how you feel. I was once in that same position. Read about My Gut Transformation Story and how I think my Functional Diagnostic Nutrition approach might be a perfect fit for you.
I rarely find myself at a loss for words.
When I was in elementary school, my teachers would move me all around the room, from table to table, because I wouldn’t stop talking to my neighbor during class. Eventually I got sat by myself in the corner (I guess somebody does put baby in the corner).
Talking a lot was just one facet of what you might call a “spirited” personality. I had a vigor for life, a desire to push limits, take risks, be a world changer.
I remember thinking, ‘I am going to be the funnest mom ever!’ I imagined what it would be like to translate all of this energy and spirit into motherhood someday; after all, being a mom was my greatest dream.
Little did I know all that life would throw at me.
Motherhood didn’t come easy for me.
Everything you can think of stood in my way: infertility, miscarriages, a devastating stillbirth, surfaced childhood trauma, mental health issues, dizzy spells, you name it. Slowly over the years, this spirited, talkative, energizer bunny was running out of steam. Along the way, I sought help from various medical professionals who used conventional medicine, tried various lifestyle changes like diet, supplements, and exercise. I think because my body was still young enough, I was able to limp by. I could always keep my head just above the waterline and carry on.
But then, a few years ago, my husband and I decided to train for a half marathon. Running had always been a passion of mine, and living in San Francisco provides some pretty beautiful spaces to run in. Off I went, first a mile a day, then 2, 3, 5. I ate well, followed the advice of other runners, all the things. But I just couldn’t get in shape. Everything felt heavy inside my body, like my blood was laced with lead or something. ‘I guess I am just getting old’, I joked. I made it to race day, and half way through the race I began to have an all too familiar dizzy spell like I used to have in my 20’s. I lost my balance and took a fall. Luckily I didn’t injure myself too badly, but it was clear that my body was trying to tell me something.
Then came the swelling in my face.
“Heeeyyyyy Yooouuuuuu Guuyyyyyysss!”
That’s what my body had been shouting. Somewhere along the way, it had lost its voice. It tried to tell me along the way with small, kind reminders that something was not okay. At first it was little things: minor gut issues, mood swings every month during my cycle, and some typical skin problems. Eventually, my body just started yelling. My overall health took a nose-dive. I had developed a number of autoimmune disorders, I had chronic fatigue syndrome, and insane hormonal imbalances. Maybe I wasn’t listening. Maybe I didn’t want to take the time to listen. Maybe I didn’t want to spend the money. I had stopped paying attention to all of the warning signs.
I remember laying in my bed in that season, staring up at the ceiling at the 1950’s chandelier in our San Francisco flat. It had a crack down the middle. It was old, decrepit. I felt like it represented my whole body. It wasn’t just the face swelling. I had horrible joint pain, exhaustion, blood sugar issues, food sensitivities, irregular cycles, pain in sex. I was like an old light going out. I thought, ‘I am still in my 30’s, how can it be this bad?’. I realized something had to be done. I had a lot of life to live, and I needed to find out what the underlying cause of all these symptoms was.
I knew that I couldn’t walk this road alone.
This hill was too steep to climb by myself. I needed to find someone I trusted to help. But where could I go? I had seen so many members of the mainstream medical community over the years, all well-meaning in their efforts to help me. But most of what I had experienced was puzzled looks, or someone who only wanted to spot treat one area of my body to the neglect of others. I needed a wholistic, integrated approach. That’s when I found a functional practitioner; someone who would get to the root of my illness, treat the whole body, and create a comprehensive plan to help my body do what it was designed to do; self advocate. This process involved using objective functional labs that created a roadmap for me to get well.
I was astounded by what I learned through that process. It all begins in the gut. If you remember nothing else from my story, remember that. Most of what I was experiencing turned out to be symptoms of leaky gut syndrome. I had heard of leaky gut, but I didn’t really understand what it was or all of the health problems and risk factors associated with it.
It turns out that my immune system was shutting down because the tight junctions in the lining of the small intestine in my digestive tract had been compromised. Undigested food particles were leaking into my bloodstream causing an immune response. This caused chronic inflammation to occur in my gastrointestinal tract, which was slowly eroding my gut lining. Years of eating a standard American diet full of GMOs, food dyes, and manufactured sugars had caused nutritional deficiencies and allowed bad bacteria to thrive in my digestive system.
My health practitioner taught me how to reverse all of the damage I had done to my GI tract through lifestyle changes, attention to my diet, eating whole foods, removing harmful substances, and going on supplement protocols that included probiotics and digestive enzymes. I had to look at what chronic stress I had in my life and make some serious changes in my work, life, and social relationships. I learned about the gut-brain axis and how my mental health was directly tied to what I was putting in my body.
Within 6 months, I was back to a regular-sized unicorn.
I slowly started feeling my body come back to life.
I had more energy than I felt in years. My swelling went away. My joints could move freely. I didn't wake up exhausted every morning. My periods began to balance out. The old vagina started working again. My kids had their mom back. My husband had his wife back. Don’t get me wrong. None of this healing came easy. I had to radically change my diet, connect with my emotional and spiritual health, eradicate parasites and infections in my lab work. But I can tell you this, it was worth it. Worth all the time it took. Worth all of the money I spent. Worth all of the sacrifices I had to make. I got my life back.
I decided I couldn’t keep all I had learned to myself.
It’s just how we are built. When we find something or someone who has shown us a way to flourishing, we naturally want to share that with others. I noticed after my own healing that lots of friends started texting, emailing, calling, and reaching out on social media to ask me for advice. I realized how many people in my life were struggling with similarly random, confusing symptoms in their own bodies. I shared what I could, but wondered if there was some way I could expand my knowledge beyond just my own personal experience.
That’s when I decided to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner myself.
I already had a bachelors in Biology and a base knowledge for how the body should function. I wanted to be able to use objective measurements to support people in need given their own unique story. Through objective functional labs, focused food for your body, and supplements that help heal we will get to your root issues. But the body is not the only entity that needs healing. We are embodied souls. Our hearts, our emotions, and our spirituality all play a key role in making us whole humans. I am also a certified Enneagram coach. This ancient personality typing system gives us a window into some of your core motivations and the importance of integrating your heart, mind, and body.
Is Your body trying to tell you something?
Dear friend, I want to tell you something. You are worth it. You deserve to be well. You deserve healing. You were designed for flourishing, for shalom. You don’t have to accept that you are ‘just getting older’. Are our bodies decaying? Of course. But you aren’t helpless. You have a voice. Your body has a voice. Let me help you find it. If your insides had a megaphone, what would they say? Are they shouting out Heeyyyyyy yoouuuuuu guuuyyssss!’?
Let me help you listen to your body. It has so much to say.
Ready to take control of your health?
Schedule a FREE 20 minute consultation today to discuss how Megaphone Functional Health can help guide you back to optimal health.